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Sedation Dentistry Downtown Bellevue, Washington

Experience Stress-Free Dental Treatments With Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Service in Downtown Bellevue, Washington

Imagine undergoing a complex dental treatment like a root canal, extraction, or oral surgery and having no recollection of the time it took, the pain, the noise, or the discomfort you were expecting. We are pleased to offer our patients the option of comfortable, safe, and effective sedation dentistry. This service is ideal for those who experience fear or anxiety at the dentist, have difficulty sitting still for long periods, or struggle to get numb from anesthetics.

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For Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry allows us to provide a variety of dental treatments safely and comfortably for patients who experience anxiety when visiting the dentist. The benefits of sedation dentistry are numerous and include having no memory of undergoing the procedure, no sense of time while under sedation, no sense of smell or sound, and no fear or anxiety during treatment. Patients who have undergone a procedure using sedation dentistry often describe it as a simple, relaxing way to experience dentistry.

We understand that some patients may feel nervous about being unconscious during dental procedures. There is no need to worry, as we are licensed and adhere to strict regulations to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients. There are three levels of sedation available: mild sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation.

Mild sedation, or anxiolysis, is the lightest form of sedation dentistry and is often used for patients with mild anxiety, longer procedures, or more complex situations. This form of sedation is usually administered orally, allowing you to remain awake or very sleepy throughout the entire procedure. You will be able to breathe on your own and will experience a great sense of relaxation, typically recovering within a few hours after the procedure is complete. Nitrous oxide inhalation, also known as laughing gas, is another form of mild to moderate sedation that results in relaxation during treatment.

Moderate sedation is used for patients with moderate dental anxiety and for those who need longer or more complex procedures. This level of sedation often involves the use of light IV sedation. While you will remain awake throughout your procedure, you will be in a deep state of relaxation. It is recommended that patients receiving moderate sedation have a parent, spouse, or friend accompany them to appointments, as the sedative can take several hours to wear off, making driving unsafe.

Deep sedation allows patients to go between consciousness and unconsciousness during their dental procedure. Often, patients have no recollection of the treatment and are unable to respond to commands even if they are awake at times during the procedure. Similar to moderate sedation, it is recommended that patients receiving deep sedation have a parent, spouse, or friend accompany them to appointments due to the extended recovery time.

There are various methods of administering sedatives, including inhalation, oral, and intramuscular (IM). Inhalation sedation, using nitrous oxide, is the most frequently used method for easing mild to moderate anxiety. Recovery is quick, allowing you to resume normal activities immediately. Oral sedation, a common technique for dental sedation, involves taking a prescription pill about an hour before your appointment, resulting in full relaxation by the time you arrive. Intramuscular sedation involves an injection of sedative drugs into the muscles of the upper arm or thigh, leading to sedation within a short amount of time.

In conclusion, sedation dentistry offers a stress-free and comfortable way to undergo dental treatments. By providing various levels of sedation and methods of administration, we ensure that each patient receives the care they need in the most relaxed and pain-free manner possible. With sedation dentistry, you can look forward to a positive dental experience and a healthy, beautiful smile.

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